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Get all the RTRC products in one bundle for half the price!
Vent Titrations Workbook and Answer Key!
What's Included:
IBW Calculations
ABG Interpretation
Ventilator Titration
Escalation of Care
De-Escalation of Care
Answer key Book Included
What's Included:
IBW Calculations
Relationships of PaCO2 and HCO3- on pH
4 Steps to interpreting an ABG
Example problems of Interpreting an ABG
Independent Practice ABG Interpretation
Answer Key to ABG Interpretation
IBW Formulas
IBW Practice Problems
IBW Answer Key
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Q & A
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Home: Welcome
Home: About

Where did it start?
While I was in Respiratory Therapy School, I found it difficult to find good resources to turn to on the internet. As Respiratory Therapists we work in a relatively new field compared to doctors, nurses, and other related healthcare practitioners respectively, and this contributes to making it difficult to find RT resources online. That is when I decided I would make resources for future RT's.
The COVID-19 Pandemic sparked me to create my first YouTube Video to help new grad Nurses and RT's being thrown into COVID units with little to no experience. I focused on the ventilator and how I could simplify and make it relevant for new grads. Ever since, I have continued making YouTube videos, began writing eBooks, and have grown on Facebook as well as on and Instagram. I am trying to reach more like-minded RT's as well as eager students ready to engage in the fight against COVID-19. I hope to provide excellent resources and bring pride to the RT profession through designing great RT shirts and related accessories.
Find me on Social Media!
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